- Published: 23 October 2020
- Hits: 5302
Photo Documentation Solutions for the Healthcare Market.
The PhotoStation Manager, Healthcare Edition™ is designed for practices, hospitals, pharmaceutical firms, or medical universities who use digital photography for documenting clinical conditions, procedures, drug efficacy, or progression of patient healing.
Download and try for Free a Full Trial Version of the PhotoStation Manager, Healthcare Edition
Our "full system" which we call the 4D PhotoStation Tablet System™ includes a Samsung Slate tablet computer and case, a Canon G15 camera, EyeFi wireless camera card, and the Health Care Edition software to enable the most reliable image quality in any clinical setting. Our 4D PhotoStation Camera Kit is our basic full system that provides your practice with everything needed to document, measure, and report wound healing progress at a great value. We offer healthcare orgizations a simple and easy way to use photo documentation for:
- Insurance Precertification
- Reimbursable photography based-procedures
- Reimbursements that require photographic support
- Pre-Op / During-Op / Post-Op Procedure documentation
- Before and Afters Reports
- Reimbursement Claims
- Unique or rare conditions
- Consultation (peer-level)
- Referrals (to the expert)
- Patient take homes for monitoring
For those who already have a camera and computer system and do not need the full system, we offer the 4D PhotoStation Manager Healthcare Edition. This is our software approach that solves the most common requirements found in all healthcare organizations using photo documentation, including the need to:
- Index photo images with a naming convention that uniquely identifies the ID number / case number and the patient encounter date.
- Allow for local or networked electronic searching and retrieval.
- Individually track details about each photo image (e.g. Location, Diagnosis, etc.).
- Make it easy to incorporate photo images and related notations into the paper-based or electronic medical record.
- Create various reports outputs, including before and afters that can be printed in hardcopy form or electronic communicated.
Additionally the PhotoStation Manager Healthcare Edition software addresses other unique requirements found in some some healthcare facilities. These include the ability to:
- Accurately calculate measurements of length, width, and area.
- Easily record depth measurements and automatically calculate volumes.
- Select a feature that has been measured at one point in time, and compare its change in length, width, or volume, at a subseqent later point in time.
- Generate size change reports for reimbusrments or for medical necessity justification for more intensive healthcare procedures.
Click on each of the specialty pages to find out more about the use of 4D Imaging Systems' solutions in your healthcare segment.