- Published: 22 October 2020
- Hits: 6063
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, A Thousand Pictures Is A Headache™
Using photo image documentation can be a fast way to capture a large amount of information without having to rely on handwritten notes or diagrams. Notes and diagrams can often be illegible or fail to capture necessary details. At the end of the day, we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words.
An effective photo image documentation workflow will result in a large number of images captured over time. Unfortunately, digital photo image files are large in size, making them a photo documentation challenge to handle and slow to process. Unless you have defined a file management procedure, searching through a large photo collection for a needed single image can be a time-consuming challenge. Also, marking up photos and tracking associated information related to the photo requires additional approaches for managing context data. What we may not realize is that a thousand pictures is a headache!
At 4D Imaging Systems, we are focused on providing you with a simple solution for creating and managing your complete digital photo documentation workflow. We call our photo documentation workflow 4D Photo Imaging™, and we've created the PhotoStation Manager™ to bring this workflow capability to you.
The PhotoStation Manager turns your unstructured collection of photo documentation image files into an indexed, time-based collection of visual records that can help you better document and report on how your Subject is changing over time. The PhotoStation Manager is based on Open Systems Standards, including XML, JPEG, and NTFS which makes it easy for you to access your photo documentation from any of your existing business Word Processing or Imaging Editing tools or from your electronic record systems (ERS). The PhotoStation Manager works in a single user or networked setup, giving you the flexibility to tailor your photo documentation workflow to your needs, and not the other way around. The PhotoStation Manager even works well with your existing paper-based records system, allowing you to eliminate significant photo printing and manual search costs.
The 4D Imaging Systems Photo Image Documentation Solution
4D Imaging Systems offers software and system solutions that make your photo documentation challenges go away.