The 4D PhotoStation Manager can be used in a variety of other medical and cosmetic specialty areas where before-and-after images or changes over time are important to document. These specialty areas include:
Virtually, any medical or cosmetic procedure will benefit from image documentation. It is true that a "picture is worth a thousand words."
The most accurate, affordable, and easy to use system for wound measurement on the market.
Automatically measure wound area from a digital photograph!
Download and try for Free a Full Trial Version of the PhotoStation Manager, Wound Care Edition and find out why it is the ideal solution for visually documenting wound or burn healing over time.
The PhotoStation Manager makes it easy to capture, organize, markup, and digitally measure patient wounds by using photo image documentation. Use your current digital camera and PC / Laptop to photo document wound stage and percentage area reduction over time. Find out why the PhotoStation Manager will become an indispensible tool in your patient care toolkit.
Showing the progression of wound healing with the PhotoStation Manager is simple. Incorporating digital photography in your existing workflow will provide you with several benefits, including better patient care and better documentation for showing healing over time. Just capture images with your existing digital camera, or one we can help you select. The PhotoStation Manager can then use the ruler you've placed in the photo to automatically calculate the Width, Length, and Area of wounds you've selected for measurement. Before and after reports, which can include 2 or 3 photo images with measurements can be created with a click of your mouse. Details of each patient visit, any notes you took, and all wound features measured are included in the report outputs. All measurements are reported in centimeters or centimeters-squared (for area).
The 4D PhotoStation Manager is ideal for a variety of wound care needs, including:
<p>Pastic surgery procedure are more popular than ever. There is no better way to document the results of your procedures than by taking before and after photos. These provide an excellent tool not only for medical documentation, but for providing your patients with a take away record for their own use.</p>
<p>Photo imaging in plastic surgery is ideal for documenting:</p>
<ul class="bullet-check">
<li>Breast Enhancement, Reduction, or Reconstruction</li>
<li>Face Lifts</li>
<li>Tummy Tucks</li>
<li>Implants (chin, cheek, buttocks)</li>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
The 4D PhotoStation enables your practice to provide quick, comprehensive, and on site whole body integumentary photo-image, also known as total body photography (TBP). This is a reimbursable procedure covered by the American Medical Association Category I CPT code 96904. This procedure is used for monitoring high risk individuals with dysplastic nevus syndrome, or history of dysplastic nevi, or individuals with a personal or familial history of melanoma. The procedure is used to establish a baseline of current moles and skin conditions. Under the current code 96904 the procedure is to be used no more than once per year. Since TBP became a new CPT in 2007, more commercial insurers are covering the procedure; however, it is advisable for providers to verify coverage with the commercial carriers prior to providing the service or have the patient sign a waiver consenting to payment if denied by insurance.
The 4D PhotoStation is a complete practice-based turnkey solution that provides consistent medical quality total body photo-images. This in house capability now provides your patients with a higher level of service and your practice with increased revenues. Offering total body photo-imaging within your practice with the PhotoStation not only offers your patients a higher level of service, but sends the message that you are taking care of them in the familiar surrounding of your office. Because the PhotoStation provides consistent medical quality photo-images no matter who the operator, there is no need to hire a professional photographer. An established TBP imaging protocol and procedure assures that you will be getting medical quality standardized and consistent images each time.
Contact Us to find out more about capturing total body photo-images with the 4D PhotoStation.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, in 2004, 11% of nursing home residents had pressure ulcers (Stages I through IV). Skin assessment on patient admission to a nursing home, assisted living, or home care program is an essential component of a standardized admission procedure. Including photo documentation as a standard tool in admission skin assessments is an ideal way to baseline current patient status, track changes over time, and mitigate care giver liabilities.
Download and try for Free a Full Trial Version of the PhotoStation Manager, Wound Care Edition
The 4D PhotoStation Manager is ideal for documenting: